A Badger and a Hedgehog

 Out of laziness rather than anything else I set my trail cameras very near the house last night. I had seen some droppings that I thought might be from a fox and I was hopeful. It was a pleasant surprise to see the first hedgehog of the season and a badger. This was about 20m from our kitchen door and the nearest to the house I have seen them.

I visited Tarn Sike Reserve yesterday (Cumbria Wildlife Trust). Curlews, snipe, lapwing, meadow pipet and skylark. Reassured to see that there were still white clawed crayfish in the stream after the winter.
Today I walked my butterfly transect t Waitby Greenriggs reserve - only 14 butterflies, some tatty peacock and small toroshell that had survived the winter and some freshly hatched orange tips. There were some nice spring flowers. I am showing the coltsfoot and dog violet which caught my attention here.


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